Facts & Figures

Who’s Who
CHOP Research Institute Leadership
- Bryan A. Wolf, MD, PhD Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
- Beverly L. Davidson, PhD Chief Scientific Strategy Officer
- Richard Aplenc, MD, PhD, MSCE Assistant Vice President and Chief Clinical Research Officer
- Michelle A. Lewis, MS, CRA Vice President, Research Administration and Operations
- Zev Sunleaf Vice President, Technology Transfer, Innovation, and Research Contracts
- Matthew Hodgson, MA, MS, CHRC, CCRP Vice President, Research Compliance and Regulatory Affairs
- Jeffrey Pennington Associate Vice President and Chief Research Informatics Officer
Centers of Emphasis
- Center for Applied Genomics Director: Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD
- Center for Autism Research Director: Robert Schultz, PhD
- Center for Childhood Cancer Research Director: Stephen P. Hunger, MD
- Center for Clinical Pharmacology Director: Athena F. Zuppa, MD, MSCE
- Center for Computational and Genomic Medicine Director: Yi Xing, PhD
- Center for Data-Driven Discovery in Biomedicine (D3b) Directors: Jay Storm, MD, Adam C. Resnick, PhD, and Jena Lilly
- Center for Injury Research and Prevention Directors: Flaura Winston, MD, PhD, and Kristy Arbogast, PhD
- Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine Director: Douglas Wallace, PhD
- Center for Pediatric Clinical Effectiveness Director: Alexander Fiks, MD, MSCE
- PolicyLab Director: David Rubin, MD, MSCE
- Raymond G. Perelman Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics Director: Beverly L. Davidson, PhD
- Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Leader: C. Dean Kurth, MD
- Biomedical and Health Informatics Leader: Bryan A. Wolf, MD, PhD
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Leader: Tami D. Benton, MD
- Nursing Leader: Paula Agosto, RN, BSN, MHA
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Leader: Robert W. Doms, MD, PhD
- Pediatrics Leader: Joseph W. St. Geme III, MD
- Radiology Leader: Kassa Darge, MD, PhD, DTM&P, FSAR, FESUR
- Surgery Leader: N. Scott Adzick, MD, MMM, FACS, FAAP
Research Affinity Groups
- Cell Biology Leader: Yair Argon, PhD, and Janis K. Burkhardt, PhD
- Clinical Trials Leader: Pamela Weiss, MD, MSCE
- Developmental Biology Leaders: Stewart Anderson, MD, and Judy Grinspan, PhD
- Fetal Biology and Therapy Leader: Alan Flake, MD
- Genes, Genomics, and Pediatric Disease Leaders: Yael P. Mossé, MD, and Marcella Devoto, PhD
- Global Health Leaders: Elizabeth Lowenthal, MD, MSCE
- Health and Behavior Leaders: Stephen Leff, PhD, and Joel Fein, MD, MPH
- Metabolism, Nutrition, and Physical Development Leader: Babette Zemel, PhD
- MetaCHOP Leader: Helen Loeb, PhD
- mHealth Leaders: Nadia L. Dowshen, MD, MSHP, Linda Fleisher, PhD, MPH, and Lisa Schwartz, PhD
- Mitochondria Leader: Marni Falk, MD, and Eiko Nakamara-Ogiso, PhD
- Neuroscience Leader: Michael Robinson, PhD
- Normal and Malignant Hematopoiesis Leader: Carolyn Felix, MD
- Protective Immunity and Immunopathology Leaders: Edward Behrens, MD, and Paula Oliver, PhD
- Qualitative Methods Leader: Cynthia Mollen, MD,MSCE
- Spatial and Functional Genomics Leaders: Struan F.A. Grant, PhD, Andrew D. Wells, PhD, and Gerd Blobel, MD, PhD
Endowed Chairs
- Alan R. Cohen Distinguished Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Peter C. Adamson, MD
- Alexander B. Wheeler Endowed Chair in Neurosurgical Research Holder: Adam C. Resnick, PhD
- Alice Langdon Warner Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery Holder: Christopher E. Mascio, MD
- Anthony A. Latini Endowed Chair in the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Holder: Cindy W. Christian, MD
- Arthur Vincent Meigs President’s Scholars Endowed Chair Holder: Beverly L. Davidson, PhD
- Audrey E. Evans Endowed Chair in Pediatric Oncology Holder: Garrett M. Brodeur, MD
- Buck Family Endowed Chair in Hematology Research Holder: Peter Kurre, MD
- C. Everett Koop Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery Holder: N. Scott Adzick, MD, MMM, FACS, FAAP
- Catherine D. Brown Endowed Chair in Pediatric Epilepsy Holder: Dennis Dlugos, MD, MSCE
- Chair in Anesthesiology Critical Care Quality and Patient Safety Holder: Daniela H. Davis, MD, MSCE
- Charles E. H. Upham Endowed Chair in Pediatric Medicine Holder: Beverly S. Emanuel, PhD
- CHCA Department of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Holder: Daniel J. Licht, MD
- CHCA Department of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Holder: Audrey O. John, MD, PhD
- CHCA Department of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Holder: Lisa R. Young, MD
- CHCA Department of Pediatrics Endowed Chair Holder: Joseph W. St. Geme III, MD
- CHCA Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Sarah Evans
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Genomic Research Holder: Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery Holder: Thomas Spray, MD
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Hematology Holder: Rodney M. Camire, PhD
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Holder: John M. Flynn, MD
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Otolaryngology Holder: Ken Kazahaya, MD, MBA, FACS
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Otolaryngology and Pediatric Airway Disorders Holder: Ian N. Jacobs, MD
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Board Designated General Endowed Chair Holder: Pending Appointment
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Critical Care Medicine Holder: Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery Holder: Gregory Heuer, MD, PhD
- Colman Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Holder: Robert N. Baldassano, MD
- Daniel B. Burke Endowed Chair for Diabetes Research Holder: Struan F.A. Grant, PhD
- Daniel M. Tabas Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery Holder: J. William Gaynor, MD
- David Cornfeld Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Richard Rutstein, MD
- Department of Radiology Endowed Chair in Molecular Imaging Holder: Lisa J. States, MD
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Ian D. Krantz, MD
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Susan E. Coffin, MD, MPH
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Daniel C. West, MD
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Flaura K. Winston, MD, PhD
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Maully Shah, MBBS, FACC, FHRS, CCDS, CEPS
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Alexander G. Fiks, MD, MSCE
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Jeffrey S. Gerber, MD, PhD
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Jonathan J. Rome, MD, FACC
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Angela Ellison, MD, MSc
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Cynthia J. Mollen, MD, MSCE
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Anne F. Reilly, MD, MPH
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Diva D. DeLeón-Crutchlow, MD, MSCE
- Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Sandra Amaral, MD, MHS
- Dr. Bong S. Lee Endowed Chair in Pediatric Orthopaedics Holder: Maurizio Pacifici, PhD
- E. Mortimer Newlin Endowed Chair in Pediatric Otolaryngology and Human Communication Holder: Ralph F. Wetmore, MD
- Edmond F. Notebaert Endowed Chair in Pediatric Research Holder: Bryan A. Wolf, MD, PhD
- Elias Schwartz, M.D. Endowed Chair in Hematology Holder: Kim Smith-Whitley, MD
- Elizabeth B. Weller Endowed Chair in Psychiatry Holder: Pending Appointment
- Elizabeth Paige Lavin Endowed Chair in Research in Clinical Care and Immunology Holder: Jennifer R. Heimall, MD
- Endowed Chair in Pediatric Interventional Radiology Holder: Anne Marie Cahill, MBBch, BAO
- Evelyn and George Willing Endowed Chair in Pathology Research Holder: Janis K. Burkhardt, PhD
- Evelyn R. Tabas Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology Holder: Victoria L. Vetter, MD
- Evelyn Willing Bromley Endowed Chair in Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Holder: Dimitrios S. Monos, PhD
- Evelyn Willing Bromley Endowed Chair in Pathology and Clinical Laboratories Holder: Nancy B. Spinner, PhD
- Francis West Lewis Endowed Chair in Computational and Genomic Medicine Holder: Yi Xing, PhD
- Frank E. Weise III Endowed Chair in Pediatric Hematology Holder: Gerd A. Blobel, MD, PhD
- Frank R. Wallace Endowed Chair in Infectious Diseases Holder: Kathleen E. Sullivan, MD, PhD
- Fred and Suzanne Biesecker Endowed Chair in Pediatric Liver Disease Holder: David A. Piccoli, MD
- Frederick H. Allen Chair in Child Psychiatry Holder: Tami D. Benton, MD
- Friends of Brian Endowed Chair in Pediatric Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Holder: Jesse A. Taylor, MD
- George Leib Harrison Endowed Chair in Fetal Therapy Holder: Julie S. Moldenhauer, MD
- Gerald D. Quill Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Ron Keren, MD, MPH
- Gisela and Dennis Alter Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neonatology Holder: Haralambos Ischiropoulos, PhD
- Giulio D’Angio Chair in Neuroblastoma Research Holder: John M. Maris, MD
- Grace R. Loeb Endowed Chair in Neurosciences Holder: Brenda L. Banwell, MD
- Harriete and Ronald Lassin Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neonatology Holder: Scott A. Lorch, MD, MSCE
- Henry S. Cecil, M.D. Endowed Chair in Rehabilitative Medicine at Children’s Seashore House Holder: Susan E. Levy, MD, MPH
- Howard M. Snyder Endowed Chair In Pediatric Urology Holder: Thomas F. Kolon, MD
- Hubert J.P. and Anne Faulkner Schoemaker Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Holder: Michael J. Fisher, MD
- Irma and Norman Braman Endowed Chair for Research in GI Motility Disorders Holder: Robert O. Heuckeroth, MD, PhD
- Jacob A. Kamens Endowed Chair in Neurological Disorders and Translational NeuroTherapeutics Holder: Adeline Vanderver, MD
- James Battaglia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Pain Management Holder: Gordon Barr, PhD
- Jane Fishman Grinberg Endowed Chair in Stem Cell Research Holder: Mortimer Poncz, MD
- Jean A. Cortner Chair in Pediatric Gastroenterology Holder: Virginia A. Stallings, MD
- Jeffrey E. Perelman Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Stephen P. Hunger, MD
- Jeffrey Modell Endowed Chair in Pediatric Immunology Research Holder: Neil D. Romberg, MD
- Jennifer Terker Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology Holder: Joseph Rossano, MD, MS, FAAP, FACC
- John H. and Hortense Cassell Jensen Endowed Chair in Pediatric Development and Teaching Holder: Stephen Ludwig, MD
- John J. Downes Chair in Pediatric Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Holder: C. Dean Kurth, MD
- John M. Keating Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Lisa R. Young, MD
- John W. Duckett, Jr. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Urology Holder: Stephen A. Zderic, MD
- John Westgate Hope Endowed Chair in Radiology Faculty Development Holder: Savvas Andronikou, MBBch (Wits), PhD, FCRad (Diag)
- Joseph Lee Hollander Endowed Chair in Pediatric Rheumatology Holder: Edward M. Behrens, MD
- Josephine J. And John M. Templeton Jr. Endowed Chair In Pediatric Trauma Holder: Michael L. Nance, MD
- Josephine J. Templeton Chair in Pediatric Anesthesiology Clinical Education Holder: Susan C. Nicolson, MD
- Joshua Kahan Endowed Chair in Pediatric Leukemia Holder: Carolyn A. Felix, MD
- Justin Michael Ingerman Endowed Chair in Palliative Care Holder: Wynne E. Morrison, MD, MB
- Kenneth E. Fellows Endowed Chair in Radiology Quality and Patient Safety Holder: Raymond W. Sze, MD, MAMS
- Kwame Ohene-Frempong Endowed Chair in Pediatric Hematology Holder: Stefano Rivella, PhD
- Laffey-Connolly Endowed Chair in Pediatric Nephrology Holder: Susan L Furth, MD, PhD
- Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Endowed Chair in Pediatric Urology Holder: Douglas A. Canning, MD
- Leonard and Madlyn Abramson Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Joseph W. St. Geme III, MD
- Leslie N. Sutton Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurosurgery Holder: Jay Storm, MD
- Lester Baker Endowed Chair in Pediatric Diabetes Holder: Michael A Levine, MD, PhD
- Letitia B. and Alice Scott Endowed Chair in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology Holder: Elaine H. Zackai, MD
- Lisa Zaoutis Endowed Chair in Pediatric Education Holder: Jeanine Ronan, MD
- Louis and Amelia Canuso Family Endowed Chair for Clinical Research in Oncology Holder: Frank M. Balis, MD
- Louis Starr Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Jonathan J. Rome, MD, FACC
- Louise Schnaufer Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery Holder: Holly L. Hedrick, MD
- Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams Endowed Chair in Neuropathology Holder: Angela Viaene, MD, PhD
- Lynne L. Garbose Endowed Chair in Fetal Family Care Holder: Lori J. Howell, DNP, MS, RN
- Mabel E. Leslie Endowed Chair in Pediatric Ophthalmology Holder: Monte D. Mills, MD
- Mai and Harry F. West Endowed Chair in Pediatric Research Holder: Pending Appointment
- Mark Fishman Endowed Chair in Genomics and Computational Science Holder: Joseph J. Zorc, MD, MSCE
- Mary D. Ames Endowed Chair in Child Advocacy Holder: David Rubin, MD, MSCE
- Mary Downs Endowed Chair in Craniofacial Surgery and Research Holder: Scott P. Bartlett, MD
- Maurice R. Hilleman Endowed Chair in Vaccinology Holder: Paul A. Offit, MD
- Michael and Charles Barnett Endowed Chair in Pediatric Mitochondrial Medicine and Metabolic Diseases Holder: Douglas C. Wallace, PhD
- Mildred L. Roeckle Endowed Chair at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Holder: Andrei Thomas-Tikhonenko, PhD
- Minimally Invasive Surgery Endowed Chair in Pediatric Urology Holder: Aseem R. Shukla, MD
- Morgan Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery Holder: Peter Mattei, MD
- Mortimer J. Buckley Jr. M.D. Endowed Chair in Cardiac Surgery Holder: Jonathan M. Chen, MD
- Nancy Abramson Wolfson Endowed Chair in Health Services Research Holder: Jeffrey H. Silber, MD, PhD
- Nicholas Crognale Chair in Pediatric Emergency Medicine Holder: Kathy Shaw, MD, MSCE
- Oberkircher Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Radiology Holder: Timothy P.L. Roberts, PhD
- Orton P. Jackson Endowed Chair in Adolescent Medicine Holder: Carol A. Ford, MD
- Patricia "Pat" Brophy Endowed Chair in Neuroblastoma Research Holder: Yael P. Mossé, MD
- Patricia Borns Endowed Chair in Radiology Education Holder: Janet R. Reid, MD, FRCPC
- Patrick S. Pasquariello Jr. Endowed Chair in General Pediatrics Holder: Louis M. Bell, MD
- Peter Randall Chair in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Holder: Jesse A. Taylor, MD
- President’s Scholars Endowed Holding Fund Holder: Pending Appointment
- R. Anderson Pew Distinguished Chair in the Department of Pediatrics Holder: Kristy B. Arbogast, PhD
- R.A.F. Penrose Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Stewart A Anderson, MD
- Regional Autism Center Endowed Chair in Autism Research Holder: Robert T. Schultz, PhD
- Richard and Sheila Sanford Endowed Chair in Pediatric Oncology Holder: Sogol Mostoufi-Moab, MD, MSCE
- Richard B. Johnston, Jr. Endowed Chair in Dept of Pediatrics Holder: Ronald C Rubenstein, MD, PhD
- Richard D. Wood Jr. and Jeanette A. Wood Endowed Chair in Pediatric Diagnostic Medicine Holder: Louis M. Bell, MD
- Richard M. Armstrong Jr. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Holder: John M. Flynn, MD
- Richard Shafritz Endowed Chair in Pediatric Opthalmology Research Holder: Gil Binenbaum, MD, MSCE
- Robert and Dolores Harrington Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology Holder: Jack Rychik, MD
- Robert Gerard Morse Endowed Chair in Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine Holder: Julian Allen, MD
- Robert M. Campbell Jr. Endowed Chair in Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome Holder: John M. Flynn, MD
- Robert Zimmerman Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neuroradiology Holder: Larissa T. Bilaniuk, MD
- Russell C. Raphaely Endowed Chair in Critical Care Medicine Holder: Robert A. Berg, MD
- Ruth M. and Tristram C. Colket Jr. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery Holder: Alan W. Flake, MD
- Ruth M. Colket Endowed Chair in Pediatric Nursing Holder: Martha A.Q. Curley, PhD, RN, FAAN
- Soroosh Mahboubi Endowed Chair in Body Imaging at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Holder: Sudha A. Anupindi, MD, FSAR
- Stanley Plotkin Chair in Pediatric Infectious Disease Holder: Jeffrey M Bergelson, MD
- Stephen Ludwig Endowed Chair in Medical Education Holder: Lisa Zaoutis, MD
- Steven D. Handler Endowed Chair in Medical Ethics Holder: Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD, MPH
- Stuart E. Starr Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Jonathan M Spergel, MD, PhD
- Surgical Technology and Technique Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery Holder: Thane A. Blinman, MD, FACS
- Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Endowed Chair for Clinical Care of GI Motility Disorders Holder: David A. Piccoli, MD
- T. Hewson Bache Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Robert W. Doms, MD, PhD
- The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Fetal Imaging Holder: Beverly G. Coleman, MD, FACR
- The Children’s Hospital Endowed Chair in Cardiac Critical Care Medicine Holder: Andrew T. Costarino, Jr., MD, MSCE
- The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics and Entrepreneurial Science Holder: Fuchiang (Rich) Tsui, PhD
- Thomas Frederick McNair Scott Endowed Chair in Pediatrics Holder: Eric C. Eichenwald, MD
- Thomas L. Spray, MD Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery Holder: Stephanie Fuller, MD
- Thomas Moshang Endowed Chair in Endocrinology Holder: Craig Alter, MD
- Tristram C. Colket, Jr. Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurology Holder: Robert R. Clancy, MD
- Wawa Endowed Chair in International Adoption Holder: Susan Friedman, MD
- Werner and Gertrude Henle Endowed Chair Holder: Theoklis Zaoutis, MD, MSCE
- William J. Greeley Endowed Chair in Pediatric Anesthesiology and Critical Care Research Holder: Francis X. McGowan, MD
- William J. Rashkind Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology Holder: Robert J. Levy, MD
- William L. Van Alen Endowed Chair in Pediatric Radiology Holder: Kassa Darge, MD, PhD, DTM&P, FSAR, FESUR
- William Potsic Endowed Chair in Pediatric Otolaryngology and Childhood Communication Holder: Ralph F. Wetmore, MD
- William T. Grant Endowed Chair in Child Development and Rehabilitation Holder: Marc Yudkoff, MD
- William Wikoff Smith Endowed Chair in Pediatric Genomic Research Holder: Fanxin Long, PhD
- Yetta Deitch Novotny Chair in Pediatric Oncology Holder: Stephan A. Grupp, MD, PhD
Administrative Units
- Academic Training and Outreach Programs
Wendy Williams, PhD, Director
Paulette McRae, PhD, Assistant Director, Specialty Programs and Diversity
David Taylor, PhD, Associate Director, Academic Training
Jodi Leckrone, Associate Director, Outreach Programs - Business Operations Pending Appointment
- Clinical Research Support Office
Richard Aplenc, MD, PhD, MSCE, Assistant Vice President and Chief Clinical Research Officer
Elizabeth “Betsy” Goldmuntz, MD, Associate Chief Clinical Research Officer
Jeffrey Gerber, MD, PhD, Associate Chief Clinical Research Officer
Kristina Harr, JD, Director, Clinical Trial Support
Veronica Kain, Director, Clinical Trial Financial Management
Michele Toms, BSN, RN, CCRC, Administrative Director, Clinical Research Staffing Core - Core Facilities Administration Lisa MacDowell, Director
- Faculty Development Beverly Davidson, PhD, Chief Scientific Strategy Officer
- Institutional Review Board Amy Schwarzhoff, MS, MBA, CIP, Director, Human Subjects Research
- Non-Traditional Research Personnel Kaila Gammon, Business Manager
- Pre-Award Research Administration Brent Bell, Director
- Post-Award Research Administration Liza Craig, Director
- Project Management Office Anne Geary, Senior Program Manager
- Research Creative Services Pending Appointment
- Research Compliance and Regulatory Affairs
Matthew Hodgson, Vice President
Karen Burke, Associate Director, Research Compliance
Denise Ancharski-Stutler, Administrative Director, IACUC Administration
Neil Patel, Manager, Investigational Drug Service - Research Finance
Steven Wiley, Senior Director
Luz Arrison, Assistant Director
Bethann Kurek, Assistant Director - Research Information Systems John Knab, Senior Director
- Research Resources Howard Eck, Director
- Research Safety Denise Melvin, Director
- Office of Technology Transfer, Innovation and Research Contracts
Zev Sunleaf, Vice President, Technology Transfer, Innovation, and Research Contracts
Camille Jolly-Tornetta, Director, Technology Transfer
Thomas Privette, Head, Global Business Development and External Partnering
Charles Bartunek, Director, Collaborative and Corporate Research Contracts - Veterinary Resources Laike Stewart, VM, DACLAM, Senior Director

- Madeline Bell Chief Executive Officer
- Bryan A. Wolf, MD, PhD Chief Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President
- Michelle A. Lewis, MS, CRA Vice President, Research Administration and Operations
- Angela Knott Interim Director, Creative Services
- Jennifer Long Director (former), Research Communications
- Sharlene George Content and Creative Manager
- Jillian Lim Medical/Science Writer
- Barbara Drosey Medical/Science Writer
- Nancy McCann Medical/Science Writer
- Juliet Kilcoyne Interim Art Director
- Melissa LaVigne Graphic Designer
- Alexis Arvanitides Graphic Designer

Links of Interest
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute Website
- Cornerstone CHOP Research Institute’s blog
- CHOP Research Institute Press Releases
- Bench to Bedside CHOP Research Institute’s Online Newsmagazine
- CHOP Research Institute’s Facebook Page
- CHOP Research Institute’s Twitter Feed
- CHOP Research Institute’s LinkedIn Page
- CHOP Research Institute’s Instagram Page
- CHOP Research Institute’s YouTube Channel
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Website
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia YouTube Channel
- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Foundation Website
CHOP Research Institute’s Department of Research Creative Services produced the 2019 Research Annual Report.